Angela Rose Angela Rose

The moment I discovered my life purpose. And, three steps to discover yours.

I have always felt that we are born with such clarity and self-awareness and then life takes over. We can feel lost. But we are never truly lost, we just forget. Life has its way of clouding what we know to be true sometimes. In that one single moment, everything became so clear to me. If there could be a moment of impact in life that would transform us, this would be mine.

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Angela Rose Angela Rose

Does your dream not feel BIG enough?

I feel in life we walk blindly not knowing the exact answer as if we are waiting for God/Universe to stand in front of us, hold us by the hand, and say here do this. We may not see Him in person. But, he does work through people. We do get signs. Can you hear, see, and know them when you receive them?

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Angela Rose Angela Rose

Transformation through meditation

Before my clients start working with me the common statement I hear is “I can't shut my mind off? Or I'm too busy, or My favorite I can't meditate”.

Sure, a benefit to meditation is that it can clear your mind over time as you practice.

But, the reason why I feel it’s transformational is because it's a practice of sitting with yourself. YES! Sitting with the chaos of the mind. Sitting with the strong emotions you may be feeling and sitting with grief, anxiety, pain, as well as excitement and joy.

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